张如华(Ruhua Zhang) 张如华 青年副研究员 ruhua_zhang@fudan.edu.cn 研究兴趣 平流层对流层相互作用、海气相互作用、季节气候预测 教育背景 2015年9月-2020年6月,兰州大学,大气物理学与大气环境,博士 2011年9月-2015年6月,兰州大学,大气科学,本科 研究经历 2022年10月-至今,青年副研究员,复旦大学 2021年2月-2022年8月,博士后,香港城市大学 2019年10月-2020年3月,访问学生,牛津大学 承担课题 2022年1月-2026年12月,国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,42192563,洋际相互作用对西北太平洋台风活动的影响及其机理,参与 2019年1月-2022年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目,41875046,青藏高原平流层臭氧、水汽和气溶胶的变化及其气候效应,参与 2018年1月-2022年12月,中国科学院A类战略先导专项子课题,XDA17010106,化学过程及气候影响研究,参与 2018年1月-2020年12月,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41705022,北半球平流层极涡位置的变化及其对东亚地区天气气候的影响,参与 获奖情况 发表论文(本人名称加粗,通讯作者加*号) 1. Zhang R., Zhou W*., Tian W. S., Zhang Y et al. (2024) A stratospheric precursor of East Asian summer droughts and floods, Nature Communications, 15(247) 2. Zhang, R., Zhou, W*., (2023) Decadal Change in the Linkage between QBO and the Leading Mode of Southeast China Winter Precipitation[J]. Journal of Climate, 36(21): 7379-7392 3. Zhang, R., Zhou, W*., Tian, W. S., et al, (2023). Tropical Stratospheric Forcings Weaken the Response of the East Asian Winter Temperature to ENSO. Ocean-Land-Atmosphere research, 0001 4. Zhang, R., Zhou, W*., Tian, W., Zhang, Y., Liu, Z., & Cheung, P. K. (2022). Changes in the Relationship between ENSO and the Winter Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex in Recent Decades. Journal of Climate, 35(16): 5399 5. Zhang, Y., Zhou, W*., Wang, X., Wang, X., Zhang, R., Li, Y., & Gan, J. (2022). IOD, ENSO, and seasonal precipitation variation over Eastern China. Atmospheric Research, 270, 106042. 6. Li, Y., Zhou, W*., Yang, S., Zhang, R., Cheung, H. N., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Recent Early-Spring Drying Trend over Southern China Associated with Changes in the Zonal Thermal Contrast over the Pacific. Journal of Climate, 35(19), 2885-2896. 7. Liu, Z., Zhou, W*., Zhang, R., Zhang, Y., & Wang, Y. (2022). Global-Scale Interpretable Drought Reconstruction Utilizing Anomalies of Atmospheric Dynamics. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 23(9), 1507-1524. 8. Zhang, R., Tian, W*., He, X., Qie, K., Liu, D., & Tian, H. (2021). Enhanced influence of ENSO on winter precipitation over southern China in recent decades. Journal of Climate, 34(19), 7983-7994. 9. Lu, Y., Tian, W*., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Zhang, R., Wang, T., & Xu, M. (2021). The impact of the stratospheric polar vortex shift on the Arctic Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 34(10), 4129-4143. 10. Xu, X., Tian, H*., Qie, K., He, X., Zhang, R., & Tu, H. (2021). A Study on the Trend of the Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor over the Tibetan Plateau in Summer. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 57(2), 277-288. 11. Zhang, R., Tian, W*., & Wang, T. (2020). Role of the quasi-biennial oscillation in the downward extension of stratospheric northern annular mode anomalies. Climate Dynamics, 55(3), 595-612. 12. Qie, K., Tian, W*., Wang, W., Wu, X., Yuan, T., Tian, H., Luo, J., Zhang, R., & Wang, T. (2020). Regional trends of lightning activity in the tropics and subtropics. Atmospheric Research, 242, 104960. 13. Wang, T., Tian, W*., Zhang, J., Xie, F., Zhang, R., Huang, J., & Hu, D. (2020). Connections between spring Arctic ozone and the summer circulation and sea surface temperatures over the western North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 33(7), 2907-2923. 14. 肖娜, 张健恺*, 田文寿, 张诗妍, 张如华, & 韩元元. (2020). 东亚地区氮氧化物排放对北半球 UTLS 区域臭氧和温度的影响. 高原气象, 39(2), 402-415. 15. 屠厚旺, 田红瑛*, 许曦然, & 张如华. (2020). 南亚高压南北位移对亚洲季风区上对流层-下平流层区域大气成分分布的影响. 高原气象, 39(2), 333-346. 16. Wang, F*., Han, Y., Zhang, S., & Zhang, R. (2020). Influence of stratospheric sudden warming on the tropical intraseasonal convection. Environmental Research Letters, 15(8), 084027. 17. Zhang, R., Tian, W*., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Xie, F., & Xu, M. (2019). The corresponding tropospheric environments during downward-extending and nondownward-extending events of stratospheric northern annular mode anomalies. Journal of Climate, 32(6), 1857-1873. 18. Zhang, R., Zhang, S., Luo, J*., Han, Y., & Zhang, J. (2019). Analysis of near-surface wind speed change in China during 1958–2015. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137(3), 2785-2801. 19. Zhang, J., Xie, F*., Ma, Z., Zhang, C., Xu, M., Wang, T., & Zhang, R. (2019). Seasonal evolution of the quasi‐biennial oscillation impact on the Northern Hemisphere polar vortex in winter. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(23), 12568-12586. #以上信息由本人提供,更新时间:2024/03/18 |