武炳义(Bingyi Wu) 武炳义 特聘教授/博士生导师 bywu@fudan.edu.cn 研究兴趣 气候系统中不同圈层相互作用的机理和影响;极端气候和天气事件的形成机制 教育背景 学士学位(1988年),气象学,北京气象学院 硕士学位(1991年),天气动力学,中国气象科学研究院 博士学位(1997年),天气动力学,中国科学院大气物理研究所 研究经历 2017/07 – 现在 复旦大学,大气与海洋科学系,特聘教授 2003/12 – 2017/06 中国气象科学研究院,研究员 2005/07 – 2006/04 北极地区超极计算机中心(美国),访问学者 1997/08 – 2003/12 中国科学院大气物理研究所,副研究员 2002/11 – 2003/10 阿拉斯加大学海洋研究所,访问学者 2000/11 – 2001/03 国际北极研究中心(美国),访问学者 学术兼职 2015年 – 现在,《大气科学》常务编委 2021年 – 现在,《Environmental Research Letters》, 编委 2022年8月-2026年8月,《Advances in Climate Change Research》,编委 2017年8月-现在,《Journal of Meteorological Research》,编辑 获奖情况 1994年,获得北京气象学会优秀论文二等奖 1998年,获得中国科学院大气物理研究所“学笃风正”奖 2012年,享受国务院政府特殊津贴 2014年,中国气象局科技领军人才 论文(部分) 1.武炳义,张祥,于骐恺,张雯晴,段欣荣,王宇鑫,赵江寒,2025:北极-中纬度联系研究百年进展概述,气象学报 2.Wu B., Z.K. Li, and X. Zhang, 2025: Arctic sea ice melting has triggered distinct interdecadal transitions since 2000, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-24-0163.1 3.Sha Y.Q., and B. Wu*, 2024: Arctic summer precipitation variability and its association with Indian summer monsoon anomalies, Atmospheric Research, 308 4.Yu Q.K., B. Wu*, and W.Q. Zhang, 2024: The atmospheric connection between the Arctic and Eurasia is underestimated in simulations with prescribed sea ice, Communications Earth & Environment, 5. 10.1038/s43247-024-01605-2 5.武炳义,2024: 北极—中纬度联系与北极海冰变化的关系研究新进展,大气科学,48(1): 108−120 6.Wang Y.X., and B. Wu*, 2024: Dominant features of phasic evolutions in the winter Arctic-midlatitude linkage since 1979, Environmental Research Letters, 19 104037 7.Zhang X.W., B. Wu*, and S.Y. Ding, 2024: Russian heat waves linked to Arctic sea ice anomalies in 2010 and 2016, Journal of Climate, 37,1597-1611. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0087.1 8.Wu B., Z.K. Li, X. Zhang, Y.Q. Sha, X.R. Duan, X.Q. Pang, and S.Y. Ding, 2023: Has Arctic sea ice loss affected summer precipitation in North China? International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.8119 9.Zhang X., B. Wu*, S.Y. Ding, and Q.K. Yu, 2023: Combined effects of Arctic tropospheric warming and La Nina events on enhanced Eurasian cold anomalies, Atmospheric Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107045 10.Ding S.Y., B. Wu*, W. Chen, Hans-F. Graf, and X.W. Zhang, 2023: Possible Linkage Between Winter Extreme Low Temperature Over Western-Central China and Autumn Sea Ice Loss, Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD038547. https://do i. org/10.1029/2023JD038547 11.Zhang W.Q., and B. Wu*, 2023: The role of transient eddies in the intraseasonal reversal of East Asian winter air temperature anomalies, Atmospheric Research, ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106748 12. Yu Q., B. Wu*, 2023: Summer Arctic atmospheric circulation and its association with the ensuing East Asian winter monsoon variability, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 128, e2022JD037104, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037104 13. Liu L., B. Wu*, and S. Ding, 2023: Combined impact of summer NAO and northern Russian shortwave cloud radiative effect on Eurasian atmospheric circulation, Environmental Research Letters, 18, 014015. 14. Wu* B. and S. Ding, 2022: Cold-Eurasia contributes to Arctic warm anomalies, Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382-022-06445-4. 15. Zhang X., B. Wu*, and S. Ding, 2022: Combined effects of La Nina events and Arctic tropospheric warming on the winter North Pacific storm track, Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382-022-06389-9. 16. Zhang X. and B. Wu*, and S. Ding, 2022: Influence of spring Arctic sea ice melt on Eurasian surface air temperature, Climate Dynamics,10.1007/s00382-022-06267-4. 17. Hua W. and B. Wu*, 2022: Atmospheric circulation anomaly over mid- and high-latitudes and its association with severe persistent haze events in Beijing, Atmospheric Research, 277, 106315, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106315. 18. Wu B*., Z.K. Li, J.A. Francis, and S. Ding, 2022: A recent weakening of winter temperature association between Arctic and Asia, Environmental Research Letters, 17, 034030. 19. Liu L. and B. Wu* and S. Ding, 2022: On the association between summer north Russian shortwave cloud radiative effect and atmospheric circulation variability over East Asia, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096606, 10.1029/2021GL096606. 20. Wu B*. and Zhenkun Li, 2021: Possible impacts of anomalous Arctic sea ice melting on summer atmosphere, International Journal of Climatology, 10.1002/joc.7337. 21. Ding, S., and B. Wu*, 2021: Linkage between autumn sea ice loss and ensuing spring Eurasian temperature, Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382-021-05839-0. 22. Ding, S., B. Wu*, and W. Chen, 2021: Dominant Characteristics of Early Autumn Arctic Sea Ice Variability and Its Impact on Winter Eurasian Climate. Journal of Climate, 34(5): 1825-1846. 23. Francis, J.A, and B. Wu, 2020: Why has no new record-minimum Arctic sea-ice extent occurred since September 2012? Environmental Research Letters, 15, 114034, 10.1088/1748-9326/abc047. 24. Wu, B.*, and J.A. Francis, 2019: Summer Arctic cold anomaly dynamically linked to East Asian heatwaves, Journal of Climate, 32, 1137-1150. 25.武炳义,2018:北极海冰融化影响东亚冬季天气和气候的研究进展以及学术争论焦点问题,大气科学, 42 (4): 786–805. 26. Wu, B.*, K. Yang, and J.A. Francis, 2017: A cold event in Asia during January-February 2012 and its possible association with Arctic sea ice loss, Journal of Climate, 30, 7971-7990. 27. Wu, B.*, 2017: Winter atmospheric circulation anomaly associated with recent Arctic winter warm anomalies, Journal of Climate, 30, 8469-8479. 28. Wu, B.*, K. Yang, and J.A. Francis, 2016: Summer Arctic dipole wind pattern affects winter Siberian high, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.4623. 29. Wu, B.*, J. Su, and R. D’Arrigo, 2015: Patterns of Asian winter climate variability and links to Arctic sea ice, Journal of Climate, 28, 6841-6857. 30. Wu, B.*, R. Zhang, R. D’Arrigo, and J. Su, 2013: On the Relationship between Winter Sea Ice and Summer Atmospheric Circulation over Eurasia, Journal of Climate, 26, 5523-5536. 31. Wu, B.*, D. Handorf, K. Dethloff, A. Rinke, and A. Hu, 2013: Winter weather patterns over northern Eurasia and Arctic sea ice loss, Monthly Weather Review, 141,3786-3800 32. Wu, B.*, J. Overland, and R. D’Arrigo, 2012: Anomalous Arctic surface wind patterns and their impacts on September sea ice minima and trend, Tellus (A), 64, 18590, 10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.18590. 33. Wu, B.*, J. Su, and R. Zhang, 2011: The effects of autumn-winter arctic sea ice on winter Siberian High, Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 56(30), 3220-3228. 34. Wu, B.*, R. Zhang, B. Wang, and R. D’Arrigo, 2009: On the association between spring Arctic sea ice concentration and Chinese summer rainfall, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L09501, doi:10.1029/2009GL037299. 35. Wu, B.*, R. Zhang, Y. Ding, and R. DArrigo, 2008: Distinct modes of the East Asian summer monsoon, Journal of Climate, 21, 1122-1138. 36. Wu,B.*, and M. Johnson, 2007: A seesaw structure in SLP anomalies between the Beaufort Sea and the Barents Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05811, 10.1029/2006GL028333. 37. Wu, B.*,J. Wang, and J. Walsh, 2006: Dipole Anomaly in the Winter Arctic Atmosphere and its association with sea ice motion, Journal of Climate, 19(2), 210-225. 课题组正在招收博士后,欢迎对课题组研究方向感兴趣并具有相关专业背景的同学加入 #以上信息由本人提供,更新时间:2024/12/23 |