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方向辉(Xianghui Fang)



fangxh a.t. fudan.edu.cn  



主要包括气候变率和变化,海气相互作用,ENSO机理及其年际和年代际变化。近期主要工作包括利用一个简单的海气耦合模式对两类ENSO进行了研究,指出纬向平流反馈对中部型ENSO起着支配作用。同时衍射出了环流模式模拟不好中部型El Niño的原因,即海表温度的气候态分布及其相联系的纬向平流反馈偏差太大;在经典的纬向双区域充放电理论基础上,充分考虑中太平洋地区纬向平流反馈的重要性,发展出了一个能够同时描述赤道西、中、东太平洋的三区域ENSO理论模型,能够更好地对两类ENSO的发展过程进行描述和区分,进而增强对ENSO事件的理论认识。






2016年 — 2019年,博士后,复旦大学

2019­— 2022年,青年副研究员,复旦大学

2023年 — 至今,副教授,复旦大学



20191月 — 202112月,青年科学基金,包含纬向平流反馈的三区域ENSO理论模型研究,中国,26.5万元,主持

20176月 —20195月,博士后科学基金面上项目,基于CESM模式分析造成CPENSO难以模拟的原因,中国,8万元,主持






11, R.-H. Xie, and X.-H. Fang* (2019), The unusual 2014–2016 El Niño events: Dynamics, prediction and enlightenmentsSCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 62, doi:10.1007/s11430-019-9561-2.

10, Fang, X.-H., and R.-H. Xie* (2019), A brief review of ENSO theories and prediction, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 62, doi:10.1007/s11430-019-9539-0.

9, Fang, X.-H., F. Zheng*, Z.-Y. Liu, and J. Zhu (2019), Decadal modulation of ENSO spring persistence barrier by thermal damping processes in the observation, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(12), 6892-6899, doi:10.1029/2019GL082921.

8Fang, X.-H.*, and M. Mu (2018), Both air-sea components are crucial for El Niño forecast from boreal spring, Scientific Reports, 8(10501), 1-8, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28964-z.

7Fang, X.-H.*, and M. Mu (2018), A three-region conceptual model for central Pacific El Niño including zonal advective feedback, Journal of Climate, 31(13), 4965-4979, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0633.1.

6Fang, X.-H.*, and F. Zheng (2018), Simulating Eastern- and Central-Pacific Type ENSO Using a Simple Coupled Model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35(6), 671-681, doi:10.1007/s00376-017-7209-9.

5Fan, F.-X., X. Dong, X.-H. Fang, F. Xue, F. Zheng, and J. Zhu (2017), Revisiting the relationship between the South Asian summer monsoon drought and El Niño warming pattern, Atmospheric Science Letters, 18(4), 175-182, doi:10.1002/asl.740.

4Zheng, F.*, X. H. Fang*, J. Zhu, J. Y. Yu, and X. C. Li (2016), Modulation of Bjerknes feedback on the decadal variations in ENSO predictability, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(24), 12,560-12,568, doi:10.1002/2016GL071636.

3Fang, X.-H., F. Zheng, and J. Zhu (2015), The cloudradiative effect when simulating strength asymmetry in two types of El Niño events using CMIP5 models, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 120(6), 4357-4369, doi:10.1002/2014JC010683.

2Zheng, F., X.-H. Fang, J.-Y. Yu, and J. Zhu (2014), Asymmetry of the Bjerknes positive feedback between the two types of El Niño, Geophysical Research Letters, 41(21), 7651-7657, doi:10.1002/2014GL062125.

1Fang, X.-H., and F. Zheng (2014), Effect of decadal changes in air-sea interaction on the climate mean state over the tropical Pacific, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 7(5), 400-405, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.14.0019.
