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陈昊明(Haoming Chen)






1.  季风降水日变化特征与机理研究

2. 数值模式云雨物理过程诊断与改进

3. 数值预报模式评估与客观预报方法研发

















2015 涂长望青年气象科技奖二等奖

2016 中国气象学会大气科学基础研究成果奖(排名4

2017 谢义炳青年气象科技奖



Li, Juan, Haoming Chen*, Xingwen Jiang, and Puxi Li, Diurnal variations of summer rainfall response to large-scale circulations and low-level winds over the Sichuan Basin. Climate Dynamics, 2024, 62, 2041–2056.

Li, Juan, Haoming Chen*, Puxi Li, and Xingwen Jiang, Evaluating the Precipitation Biases over the Western Periphery of the Sichuan Basin with the ECMWF Operational Forecast Model. Weather and Forecasting, 2023, 38, 1481-1496.

Wu, Yufei, Puxi Li, and Haoming Chen*, The characteristic and seasonal variation of mesoscale convective systems' precipitation over North China. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2023, 149, 2348-2366.

Li, Puxi, Fengfei Song*, Haoming Chen*, Jian Li, Andreas F. Prein, Wenxia Zhang, Tianjun Zhou, Moran Zhuang, Kalli Furtado, Mark Muetzelfeldt, Reinhard Schiemann, and Chao Li, Intensification of Mesoscale Convective Systems in the East Asian Rainband Over the Past Two Decades. Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, 50, e2023GL103595.

He, Mu, Haoming Chen*, and Rucong Yu, Evaluation of Warm-Season Rainfall Diurnal Variation over the Qilian Mountains in Northwest China in ERA5 Reanalysis. Atmosphere, 2022, 13, 674.

Zhong, Qi, Zhuo Sun, Haoming Chen, Jiangbo Li, and Lili Shen, Multi model forecast biases of the diurnal variations of intense rainfall in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Science China Earth Sciences, 2022, 65, 1490–1509

Rong, Xinyao, Jian Li*, Haoming Chen, Jingzhi Su, Lijuan Hua, Zhengqiu Zhang, and Yufei Xin, The CMIP6 Historical Simulation Datasets Produced by the Climate System Model CAMS-CSM. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2021, 38, 285-295.

Li, Puxi, Kalli Furtado, Tianjun Zhou, Haoming Chen, and Jian Li, Convection-permitting modelling improves simulated precipitation over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2021, 147, 341-362.

Li, Puxi, Kalli Furtado, Tianjun Zhou, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Zhun Guo, and Chan Xiao, The diurnal cycle of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by the Met Office Unified Model at convection-permitting scales. Climate Dynamics, 2020, 55, 131–151.

Li, Puxi, Christopher Moseley, Andreas F. Prein, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Kalli Furtado, and Tianjun Zhou, Mesoscale Convective System Precipitation Characteristics over East Asia. Part I: Regional Differences and Seasonal Variations. Journal of Climate, 2020, 33, 9271-9286.

Li, Nina, Jian Li, Xinyao Rong, Haoming Chen, Yufei Xin, and Jingzhi Su, Obtaining More Information about Precipitation Biases over East Asia from Hourly-Scale Evaluation of Model Simulation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2020, 34, 515-528.

Zhang, Yi, Haoming Chen, and Dan Wang, Robust Nocturnal and Early Morning Summer Rainfall Peaks over Continental East Asia in a Global Multiscale Modeling Framework. Atmosphere, 2019, 10, 53.

Chen, Haoming, Jian Li, and Rucong Yu*, Warm season nocturnal rainfall over the eastern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with rainfall events in adjacent regions. International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 38, 4786-4801.

Li, Jian, Haoming Chen*, Xinyao Rong, Jingzhi Su, Yufei Xin, Kalli Furtado, Sean Milton, and Nina Li, How Well Can a Climate Model Simulate an Extreme Precipitation Event: A Case Study Using the Transpose-AMIP Experiment. Journal of Climate, 2018, 31, 6543-6556.

Chen, Haoming, Rucong Yu*, and Yan Shen, A new method to compare hourly rainfall between station observations and satellite products over central-eastern China. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2016, 30, 737-757.

Zhang, Yi and Haoming Chen*, Comparing CAM5 and Superparameterized CAM5 Simulations of Summer Precipitation Characteristics over Continental East Asia: Mean State, Frequency–Intensity Relationship, Diurnal Cycle, and Influencing Factors. Journal of Climate, 2016, 29, 1067-1089.

Rong, Xinyao, Jian Li, Haoming Chen, Yufei Xin, Jingzhi Su, Lijuan Hua, Tianjun Zhou, Yanjun Qi, Zhengqiu Zhang, Guo Zhang, and Jianduo Li, The CAMS Climate System Model and a Basic Evaluation of Its Climatology and Climate Variability Simulation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2018, 32, 839-861.

陈昊明, 李普曦, 赵妍, 千米尺度模式降水的检验评估进展及展望. 气象科技进展, 2021, 11, 155-164.

卜文惠, 陈昊明*, 李普曦, ECMWF模式对2020年夏季江淮流域降水的预报偏差分析. 暴雨灾害, 2022, 41, 315-323.

甘玉婷, 陈昊明, 李建, 千米尺度数值预报模式对泰山地区暖季降水预报性能的评估.

象学报, 2021, 79, 750-768.


