高阶地球流体力学格式如多矩(multi-moment finite volume method)有限体积方法在大气海洋数值模式中的研究与应用;开展适合于未来众核高性能计算机的、高精度守恒高可扩展下一代模式框架研究;人工智能在数值模式中的应用研究等。
1997.09-2001.06 南京气象学院 学士
2001.09-2004.06 中国气象科学研究院 硕士
2004.09-2007.06 南京信息工程大学 博士
2006.01-2007.03 日本东京工业大学 访问学者
2007.06-2009.09 中国气象科学研究院 助理研究员
2009.09-2010.04 中国气象科学研究院 副研究员
2010.04-2016.04 国家气象中心 副研究员
2014.04-2015.04 美国俄克拉荷马大学 访问科学家
2016.04-2021.09 国家气象中心 正研
2021.09-2023.09 中国气象局地球系统数值预报中心 正研
2023.09-至今 中国气象局地球系统数值预报中心 二级研究员
(1)《高原气象》青年编辑委员会 常务青年编委 (2022.12-2027.12)
(2) Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) membership (2024.08-)
(1)2012: 北京大学-大气与海洋科学系“谢义炳青年气象科技奖”
(2)2013: 国家气象中心 首届“中央气象台青年之星”
(3)2017: 中国气象局 “中国气象局科技领军人才”
(4)2021: 中国气象局 新时代气象高层次科技创新人才计划气象领军人才“国家级首席科学家”
(1)魏杰姝,陈春刚,张寅钲,唐杰,沈学顺,肖锋,李兴良*, 2024:适用于非静力大气模式的近似黎曼求解器应用研究,气象学报, 82(3),371-384. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2024.20230130.
(2)庄照荣,王皓,田伟红,李兴良*, 2023:基于 CMA-MESO三维变分系统的化学同化框架设计及气溶胶观测的初步分析预报试验.气象学报,81(3), 456-468.
(4)Chungang Chen, Xingliang Li, Feng Xiao, Xueshun Shen, 2023: A nonhydrostatic atmospheric dynamical core on cubed sphere using multi-moment finite-volume method, Journal of Computational Physics, 473,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111717.
(5)Jie Tang, Chungang Chen, Xueshun Shen, Feng Xiao, Xingliang Li*, 2022: A three-dimensional positivity-preserving and conservative multimoment finite-volume transport model on a cubed-sphere grid, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 148, 3622-3638.
(6)Jie Tang, Chungang Chen, Xueshun Shen, Feng Xiao, and Xingliang Li*, 2021: A Positivity-preserving Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-moment Global Transport Model on the Cubed Sphere, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 1460–1473.
(7)Xingliang Li, Xueshun Shen, Chungang Chen, Jie Tang, and Feng Xiao, 2020: A note on non-negativity correction for multimoment finite volume transport model with WENO limiter, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 146, 546-556.
(8)Xingliang Li, Chungang Chen, Xueshun Shen and Feng Xiao, 2020: Review on development of a scalable high-order nonhydrostatic multi-moment constrained finite volume dynamical core, physics.ao-ph, arXiv:2004.05784.
(9)Qingchang Qin, Xueshun Shen, Chungang Chen, Feng Xiao, Yongjiu Dai, and Xingliang Li*, 2019: A 3D Nonhydrostatic Compressible Atmospheric Dynamic Core by Multi-moment Constrained Finite Volume Method, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (3.900), 36, 1129-1142.
(10)Xingliang Li, X. S. Shen, F. Xiao and C. G. Chen, 2016: An MCV nonhydrostatic atmospheric model with height-based terrain following coordinate: tests of waves over steep mountains, Advances in Meteorology, DOI: 10.1155/2016/4513823.
(11)Zhaorong Zhuang, Jishan Xue , XueShun Shen, Xingliang Li*, 2021: Implementation of CMA-GFS 3D-Var System on the Yin-Yang Grid. Journal of tropical meteorology, 27(4): 346-354.
(13)Xingliang Li, C. G. Chen, F. Xiao and X. S. Shen, 2015: A high-order multi-moment constrained finite-volume global shallow-water model on the Yin-Yang grid, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 141 (691), 2090-2102, DOI:10.1002/qj.2504.
(14)Xingliang Li, X. S. Shen, X. D. Peng, F. Xiao, Z. R. Zhuang, and C. G. Chen, 2013: An accurate multimoment constrained finite volume transport model on Yin-Yang grids, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30, 1320-1330.
(15)Xingliang Li, C. G. Chen, X. S. Shen and F. Xiao, 2013: A multi-moment constrained finite volume model for non-hydrostatic atmospheric dynamics, Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 1216-1240.