
1992年9月开始 ,兰州大学大气系读博士研究生
2021年10月至今 ,中国气象局地球系统数值预报中心 任研究员、博士生导师
2008年2月至2021年9月 ,中国气象科学研究院 任研究员、博士生导师
2002年3月至2008年1月, 日本海洋研究开发机构地球模拟器中心 任研究员
1993年3月至1997年12月 ,兰州大学大气系任讲师
1. 2024-2027 大气边界层湍流与对流的相互作用及尺度自适应协同参数化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
2. 2021-2024 尺度自适应大气边界层参数化方案研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
3. 2018-2021 多尺度全球大气数值模式物理过程和资料同化系统研究,国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范” 重点专项,项目首席
4. 2018-2021 基于非结构网格的天气气候一体化模式动力框架研发,国家重点研发计划 “重大自然灾害监测预警与防范” 重点专项,科研骨干
5. 2017-2020 大气环流模式对青藏高原陡峭地形区降水模拟的改进研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目,项目骨干
6. 2016-2019 球面阴阳网格高阶离散守恒算法研究,国家自然科学基金项目,项目负责人
《J. Comput. Phy.》,《Mon. Wea. Rev.》,《Atmos. Chem. Phy.》,《J. App. Meteo. Clim.》,《Adv. Atoms. Sci.》等杂志审稿人
1)2017.12 获国家气象中心授权“基于历史资料的模式距平积分预报订正(ANO)” 科技成果业务转化专利,排名1,2017RZ003
2)2021.09 获中国气象局科技与气候变化司授权“中尺度灾害天气短时(2-12小时)预报技术研究” 气象科学技术成果专利,排名5,中气科成登[2021]0305
1. Chen, S., Y. Zhao, X. Peng*, and X. H. Li, 2023, A Global-regional Unified Atmospheric Dynamic Core on the Yin-Yang Grid, Mon. Wea. Rev., 151, 967-987, DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-22-0079.1
2. Li, X. H., Y. Zhang, Y. L. Lin, X. D. Peng*, B. Q. Zhou, P. M. Zhai, and J. Li 2023: Impact of Revised Trigger and Closure of the Double-Plume Convective Parameterization on Precipitation Simulations over East Asia, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40, 1225-1243. doi: 10.1007/s00376-022-2225-9
3. Wei, W., X. Peng, J. Li, et al. 2022, Extension and Evaluation of University of Washington Moist Turbulence Scheme to Gray-zone Scales, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, (accepted on 2022-08-09) DOI: 10.1029/2021MS002978
4. Kang, Y.Z., J. Chang, X. Peng*, X. G. Liang, Shigong Wangle, 2022, Radar Observed Structural Features and Evolution Mechanism of a Squall Line-like Rainband in North China, Earth and Space Sci., DOI: 10.1029/2022EA002309
5. Li, Xiaohan, Yi Zhang, Xindong Peng*, Wenchao Chu, Yanluan Lin, and Jian Li, 2022, Improved Climate Simulation by using a Double-Plume Convection Scheme in a Global Model, Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036069.
6. Gu, J., Peng, X.*, Chang, J.& Che, Y. (2022) High-order conservative transport on Yin-Yang grids using the multi-moment constrained finite volume method. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148, 826-841.
7. 焦涵,赵益帆,常飞,彭新东*,2021,全球非静力GRAPES_YY高分辨率模式对一次梅雨锋降水过程的模拟分析,气象,47(11),1359-1368.
8. Li, Jiabo, Xindong Peng*, Xiaohan Li, Yanluan Lin and Wenchao Chu, 2021, Evaluation of a Flexible Single Ice Microphysics and a Gaussian Probability-Density-Function Macrophysics Scheme in a Single Column Model, Atmosphere, 12(5), 638.
9. Jiao, H., Peng, X.*, Che, Y. et al., 2021, High-order conservative and oscillation-suppressing transport on irregular hexagonal grids. Meteorol Atmos Phys. 133(3), 845-856.
10. Li, Xiaohan, Yi Zhang, Xindong Peng*, Jian Li, 2021, Using a single column model (SGRIST1.0) for connecting model physics and dynamics in the global-to-regional integrated forecast system, Geos. Mod. Dev. Discuss.
11. 卢绪兰、彭新东*,2021,尺度自适应边界层参数化及其对一次海雾的模拟影响,气象学报,79(1), 119-131.
12. 赵益帆、李晓涵、彭新东*,2020,全球非静力GRAPES_YY阴阳网格模式发展及其对梅雨锋降水模拟的性能检验,气象学报,8(4):623-635.
13. Kang Y., X. Peng*, C. Dong, S. Wang, K. Shang, Y. Zhao, 2020, Statistical Characteristics and Synoptic Situations of Long Duration Heavy Rainfall Events over North China, Earth and Space Science, 7, e2019EA000923.
14. Li, X., X. Peng* and Y. Zhang, 2020, Investigation of the effect of the time step on the physics–dynamics interaction in CAM5 using an idealized tropical cyclone experiment, Clim. Dyn.(4.486), 55, 665-680.
15. Gu Juan, X. D. Peng*, Y. J. Dai and Y Z. Che, 2020, Fourth-order Conservative Transport on Overset Grids Using the Multi-moment Constrained Finite-volume Scheme for Oceanic Modelling, J. Ocean. Uni. China(0.802), 19(4), 747-760.
16. Li, Xiaohan, Xindong Peng*, Long-Term Integration of a Global Non-Hydrostatic Atmospheric Model on an Aqua Planet. J. Meteor. Res., 2018, 32, 517-533.
17. Yi Huang, Xindong Peng*, 2017, Improvement of the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino planetary boundary layer scheme based on the observational data in China, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 162, 171–188.
18. Yuzhang Che, Xindong Peng, Luca delle Monache,Takayuki Kawaguchi and Feng Xiao, 2016, A wind power forecasting system based on the WRF model and Kalman filtering over a wind-farm in Japan, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 8, 013302.
19. 佟铃、彭新东*、范广洲、常俊,GRAPES全球模式的误差评估和订正,大气科学,2017, 41(2),333-344.
20. 黄翊、彭新东*,边界层参数化改进对雾模拟的影响,大气科学,2017, 41(3),533−543.
21. 刘洁、彭新东*,阴阳网格守恒算法的设计和改进,大气科学,2017, 41(5), 1076-1086.
22. 牛嫣静、车玉章、彭新东*、范广洲,模式的初值敏感性对数值天气预报的影响,成都信息工程大学学报,2017,32(3),297-303.
23. 牛嫣静、彭新东*,范广洲,GRAPES模式中三维科氏力计算及其效果评估,气象学报、2018, 76(3),461-472.
24. 黄超、彭新东*、李晓涵,阴阳网格上通量型非静力模式动力框架的理想试验,气象学报、2019,77(1),154-164.