2021.11-至今, 中国气象科学研究院,研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“青藏高原城市和背景地区大气过氧乙酰基硝酸酯的浓度水平、变化规律及源汇特征研究”
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“杭州市大气过氧乙酰基硝酸酯(PAN)及其同系物PPN和MPAN观测与模拟研究”
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“北京市大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的过氧乙酰基硝酸酯(PAN)和臭氧光化学生成潜势研究”
4. 中国气象科学研究院科研业务经费重点项目 “华北地区典型季节大气气溶胶与反应性气体变化特征及演变机制研究”
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“气相色谱-热传导检测器法高精度测定大气O2/N2变化研究”
Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology期刊编委
Frontiers in Environmental Science和Toxics特邀编辑
Gen Zhang*, Yifeng Sun, Wanyun Xu, Lingyan Wu*, Yuseng Duan, Linlin Liang, Yuan Li. Identifying the O3 chemical regime inferred from the weekly pattern of atmospheric O3, CO, NOx, and PM10: Five-year observations at a center urban site in Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment, 888, 164079-164089, 2023.
Wanyu Xu, Yuxuan Bian, Weili Lin, Yingjie Zhang, Yaru Wang, Zhiqiang Ma, Xiaoyi Zhang, Gen Zhang*, Chunxiang Ye*, Xiaobin Xu. O3 and PAN in southern Tibetan Plateau determined by distinct physical and chemical processes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 1-18, 2023.
Xue Yang, Gen Zhang*, Guang Pan, Guolan Fan, Houyong Zhang, Xuan Ge, Mingyue Du, Significant contribution of carbonyls to atmospheric oxidation capacity (AOC) during the winter haze pollution over North China Plain. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 139, 377-388, 2023.
Xue Yang, Gen Zhang*, Shuhao Hu, Jinhe Wang, Pengcheng Zhang, Xuelian Zhong, Hengyu Song, Summertime carbonyl compounds in an urban area in the North China Plain: identification of sources, key precursors and their contribution to O3 formation. Environmental Pollution, 331, 121908-121917, 2023.
Xue Yang, Shuhao Hu, Gen Zhang*, Lingjie Li, Shiyang Zhao, Guiqin Zhang. Non-negligible contribution of high-level volatile sulphur compounds to ozone photochemical formation in an industry zone in the North China Plain. AirQuality, Atmosphere & Health, 17, 777-787, 2024.
Lingjun Xia, Gen Zhang*, Lixin Liu*, Mingjing Zhan, Minyu Feng, PingKong, Zhijian Dai. Observation of atmospheric CO2 and CO in a low-carbon pilot city: insight into CO2 sources and regional transport. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13(11), 101585-101597, 2022.
Xuefang Wu, Tuan V. Vu, Roy M. Harrison, Jing Yan, Xiaohan Hu, Yangyang Cui, Aijun Shi, Xinyu Liu, Yan Shen, Gen Zhang*, Yifeng Xue*. Long-term characterization of roadside air pollutants in urban Beijing and associated public health implications. Environmental Research, 212, 113277-113287, 2022.
Kunpeng Zang, Gen Zhang*, Xuemei Xu, Nan Zheng, Haoyu Xiong, Haixiang Hong, Kai Jiang, Miao Liang, Methane emission via sediment and water interface in the Bohai Sea, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 114, 465-474, 2022.
Yangyang Cui, Gen Zhang*, Wei Wang, Yan Shen, Xiaoman Zhai, Xuefang Wu, Renfei Li, Bobo Wu, Yifeng Xue*, Ten-year emission characteristics of atmospheric pollutants from incineration of sacrificial offerings in China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 114, 391-400, 2022.
Gen Zhang, Shengao Jing, Wanyun Xu, Yaqin Gao, Chao Yan, Linlin Liang, Cheng Huang, Hongli Wang, Simultaneous observation of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate and ozone in the megacity of Shanghai, China: Regional transport and thermal decomposition, Environmental Pollution, 274, 116570-116582, 2021.
Wanyun Xu, Gen Zhang*, Ying Wang, Shengrui Tong, Wenqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Ma, Weili Lin, Ye Kuang, Liyuan Yin, Xiaobin Xu*, Aerosol promotes peroxyacetyl nitrate formation during winter in the North China Plain, Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 3568-3581, 2021.
Gen Zhang*, Honghui Xu*, Hongli Wang, Likun Xue, Jianjun He, Wanyun Xu, Bing Qi, Rongguang Du, Chang Liu, Zeyuan Li, Ke Gui, Wanting Jiang, Linlin Liang, Yan Yan, Xiaoyan Meng, Exploring the inconsistent variations in atmospheric primary and secondary pollutants during the 2016 G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China: implications from observations and models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 5391-5403, 2020.
Gen Zhang, Lingjun Xia, Kunpeng Zang, Wanyun Xu, Fang Zhang, Linlin Liang, Bo Yao, Weili Lin, Yujing Mu*, The abundance and inter-relationship of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN), O3, and NOy during the wintertime in Beijing, China, Science of the Total Environment, 718, 137388-137396, 2020.
Kunpeng Zang, Gen Zhang*, Juying Wang, Methane emissions from oil and gas platforms in the Bohai Sea, China, Environmental Pollution, 263, 114486-114494, 2020.
Kunpeng Zang, Gen Zhang*, Xuemei Xu, Ziwei Yao, Impact of air-sea exchange on the spatial distribution of atmospheric methane in the Dalian Bay and adjacent coastal area, China. Chemosphere, 251, 126412-126418, 2020.
Lingjun Xia, Gen Zhang*, Mingjing Zhan, Bozhen Li, Ping Kong, Seasonal variations of atmospheric CH4 at Jingdezhen station in Central China: Understanding the regional transport and its correlation with CO2 and CO, Atmospheric Research, 241, 104982-104992, 2020.
Lingjun Xia, Gen Zhang*, Lixin Liu*, Bozhen Li, Mingjing Zhan, Ping Kong, Huaiqing Wang, Atmospheric CO2 and CO at Jingdezhen station in central China: understanding the regional transport and combustion efficiency, Atmospheric Environment, 222, 117104-117115, 2020.
Kunpeng Zang, Guiling Zhang, Huade Zhao, Xuemei Xu, Nan Zheng, Juying Wang*, Gen Zhang*, Multiple factors dominate the distribution of methane and its sea-to-air flux in the Bohai Sea in summer and autumn of 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154, 111049-111057, 2020.
Gen Zhang*, Honghui Xu*, Bing Qi, Rongguang Du, Ke Gui, Hongli Wang, Wanting Jiang, Linlin Liang, Wanyun Xu, Characterization of atmospheric trace gases and particulate matter in Hangzhou, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 1705-1728, 2018.
Gen Zhang, Bo Yao, Martin K Vollmer, Stephen A Montzka, Jens Muhle, Ray F Weiss, Simon O’Doherty, Yi Li, Shuangxi Fang, Stefan Reimann. Ambient mixing ratios of atmospheric halogenated compounds at five background stations in China. Atmospheric Environment.160, 55-69, 2017.
Gen Zhang, Yujing Mu, Lingxi Zhou, Chenglong Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Shuangxi Fang, Bo Yao. Summertime distributions of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) in Beijing: understanding the sources and major sink of PAN. Atmospheric Environment. 103, 289-296, 2015.
Gen Zhang, Yujing Mu, Junfeng Liu, Chenglong Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yujie Zhang, Hongxing Zhang. Seasonal and diurnal variations of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate, peroxypropionyl nitrate, and carbon tetrachloride in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 26(1), 65-74, 2014.
Gen Zhang, Yujing Mu, Junfeng Liu, Abdelwahid Mellouki. Direct and simultaneous determination of trace-level carbon tetrachloride, peroxyacetyl nitrate, peroxypropionyl nitrate using gas chromatography-electron capture detection. Journal of Chromatography A. 1266, 110-115, 2012.